CHICK EGG-A-MOLES (GUACAMOLE DEVILED EGGS a healthy organic breakfast )

Ease of Preparation: Moderate
Preparation Time: 35 min
Cook Time: 12 min
12  large eggs
1  baby carrot
1  whole pickle (your choice of dill or sweet)
1  medium avocado
2 teaspoons fresh lime juice
1 tablespoon tomato, diced
2 tablespoons salsa
1 1/2 teaspoons red onion, diced
1/2 teaspoon Simply Organic Cilantro
 Frontier Sea Salt and Simply Organic Black Pepper, to taste
 For garnish: Simply Organic Chili Powder, Chipotle, Cayenne or  Paprika
1. Place eggs in a pot. Cover with cold water. Bring to a boil and boil for 7 minutes. Place the lid on top and turn off the heat. Let them stand for 15 minutes.
2. While the eggs are standing make the chicks' eyes and beaks. Cut a small pickle lengthwise, into 4 thin strips. Then cut those thin strips into smaller sections to create little eyes. Cut the carrot into 4 thin strips. Then cut those strips into small triangular shapes for the beaks.
4. Run eggs under cool water after the 15 minutes. Gently crack and let the eggs cool.
5. Peel all the eggs.
6. Cut a small section off the wide end of each egg to create a flat surface so the eggs can stand up and not roll on the plate. On the narrow end, cut a wider section off that will become the chicks hat (about 1/3 of the egg).
7. Carefully pop the yolks out into a bowl. Mash the egg yolks with a fork (or run through a food grinder or food processor).
8. Peel, pit and scoop out the avocado and mash it.
9. Add lime juice, tomato, salsa, red onion, and cilantro (or, use our Simply Organic Guacamole dip mix) to the mashed avocado. Mix thoroughly. If too thin, add some Greek yogurt; if too thick, add a little more lime juice.
10. Combine guacamole with egg yolks.
11. Add salt, pepper and cayenne to taste. Mix well.
12. Fill each egg with egg/guacamole mix. Place the top back on at an angle so you can see the chicks face. Add the eyes and beak.
13. Place on a platter with some shredded spinach for grass.

The fragrant, pungent leaf of the coriander plant, cilantro is popular in Mexican, Thai and Vietnamese cooking. Try its distinct, parsley-sage flavor in salsas, sauces and soups, especially in tandem with chilies.
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