Environmental issues

Environmental issues

This is an alphabetical list of environmental issues, harmful aspects of human activity on the biophysical environment. As such, they relate to the anthropogenic effects on the natural environment, which are loosely divided into causes, effects and mitigation, noting that effects are interconnected and can cause new effects.

Human overpopulation — Biocapacity • Carrying capacity • Exploitation • Industrialisation •  • Land degradation • Land reclamation • Optimum population • Overshoot (population) • Population density • Population dynamics • Population growth • Projections of population growth • Total fertility rate • Urbanization • Waste • Water conflict • Water scarcity • Overdrafting
Hydrology — Environmental impacts of reservoirs • Tile drainage • Hydrology (agriculture) • Flooding• Landslide •
Intensive farming — Environmental effects of meat production •Intensive animal farming • Intensive crop farming• Irrigation • Monoculture • Nutrient pollution • Overgrazing • Pesticide drift • Plasticulture • Slash and burn • Tile drainage
Land use — Built environment • Desertification • Habitat fragmentation • Habitat destruction •                         Land degradation — Land pollution • Lawn-environmental concerns • Urban heat island • Urban sprawl
 NANOTECHNOLOGY— Implications of nanotechnology
Nuclear issues — Nuclear fallout • Nuclear meltdown • Nuclear power • Nuclear weapons • Nuclear and radiation accidents • Nuclear safety • High-level radioactive waste management •

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