human trafficking

 Ways You Can Help Fight Human Trafficking

After drug dealing, human trafficking (both sex trafficking and trafficking for forced labor) is tied with the illegal arms industry as the second largest criminal industry in the world today, and it is the fastest growing.
Worldwide, there are nearly two million children in the commercial sex trade. (UNICEF).There are an estimated 600,000 to 800,000 children, women and men trafficked across international borders annually.Approximately 80 percent of human trafficking victims are women and girls, and up to 50 percent are minors.Sex trafficking is an engine of the global AIDS epidemic. 

The award-winning movie, Human Trafficking, featuring Mira Sorvino and Donald Sutherland, is a fictional thriller, but gives viewers a realistic view of the life of trafficking victims, and shows how easily young women can become ensnared in the trafficking network. (This is not a movie for children.)

Slavery 101 is a very informative twelve-minute video on multiple aspects of slavery.
The Love146 website contains a wealth of information, survivors’ stories, videos, and ways to make a difference.
Free the Captives Houston provides a comprehensive resource for current trafficking issues, updated regularly.
Stella's Voice reaches out to orphans in Moldova, saving teen girls from falling into traffickers hands, and demonstrating the love of Jesus to children who have never experienced it.
Education and creation of awareness is a must to get all vulnerable parties adequately equipped and informed. Having access to both private sector and governmental funding would ease the formation of outreach programs to get people well protected against violence and abuse.
2.Anti human smuggling police units need to be set up and properly trained. These would help in the enactment of justice through the freeing of victims, assistance with investigations, detection of trafficking groups and enforcement of justice to all victims on all levels. The victims would then get protection and support through the ordeal while traffickers would be prosecuted.

Educating of people on the dangers of falling victim to human traffickers is important. Being that these traffickers pose as friends and promise so many great things, it is necessary to authenticate any easy offers from strangers so as not to fall victim to such lies.
How to avoid becoming a human trafficking victim
1.Be wary of very attractive work opportunities. 
2.If you are offered a very attractive work opportunity outside your country, make sure you ask lots of detailed questions and get convincing answers. 
3.Contact the embassy of country in which you are thinking of working before you travel, and make sure your register at your national embassy as soon as you arrive in the country of your work. 
4.Read employment offers and contracts carefully before you sign them. 
5.Seek advice and guidance from people with occupational and legal experience before taking the job. 
6.Ensure you leave your address and telephone numbers with family members and friends before you travel (these details shall be ascertained before travelling). 
7.p a copy of your passport and ID card in a safe place. 
8.Know your rights and duties fully before agreeing to any employment offer. 
9.Avoid employment offers that come through the internet. 
10.Be wary of offers of engagement and marriage that come through the internet. 

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